
denica freitas From the time she was a little girl, she dreamed of having a pastry shop.  She became the official baker of the family, and passionately read every cookbook and food magazine she could find.   She is a first generation daughter of immigrants from Spain, and credits her Mother for her cooking and baking […]

Our Story

Denica’s is owned and operated by husband and wife team James and Denica Freitas. Their vision is to provide a place where friends, family and enthusiastic food lovers come together to eat delicious homemade cookies and savory food in a warm, casual atmosphere. It is their goal to make you feel welcome and nourished every time you come to Denica’s. […]

The Rule of Threes/Survival Preparation

Most people don’t prepare for an emergency because they don’t know what to get.  One standard mantra that gets repeated often in our household is the rule of threes.  The Survival Rule of Threes is a convenient way of memorizing the order of importance for each basic survival necessity. In extreme survival situations you cannot […]

Interview: James and Denica Freitas

Who shaped the way you think about food? Denica:  My mom.  She is a wonderful cook and entertainer, and taught us to try and learn to like many exotic foods. James:  My mother, her delicious lasagna and complete meals even when working and going to school Who was/is the most influential person in your life? […]